Activistas de Extinction Rebellion bloquean la entrada de la sede internacional de Shell

El pasado 19 de abril, por la mañana, alrededor de 50 activistas de “Extinction Rebellion Holanda” bloquearon la entrada de la sede internacional de Shell en La Haya. Algunos se pegaron al cristal de la compañía, otros echaron sangre falsa en las escaleras a modo de acto simbólico  y otros  pintaron con spray su mensaje en la entrada del edificio. Shell es uno de los […]

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22 rebels arrested during ICC protest to criminalise ecocide

This afternoon, Extinction Rebellion succeeded in occupying the International Criminal Court (ICC). During this act of civil disobedience, 22 rebels were arrested for standing up for the rights of human life, animals and all other living beings. The activists took over the bridge leading to the ICC with their demand that ecocide becomes recognized as […]

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