Non Violent Direct Action (NDVA) training
Action Training
Training or Lecture
Price: Free
Registration is required
Less suitable for new rebels.
View all events for new rebels
Training, update about Reclaim the Harbour, and diner together
Action training in Rotterdam
If you consider to participate in XR's actions, we recommend that you prepare yourself with Action Training. Whether you want to participate in actions with a high risk of arrest or not. And even if you don't have that clear for yourself yet, this training is the place to find out.
During the training you will learn all about
We'll tell you all about it! We will do some exercises and there will be plenty of time for questions. After the training you will be able to make more informed decisions about whether to join a disruptive action, and have the right knowledge and skills to participate.
Please fill out the little form to confirm your participation
and to get updates about time and location!