Juli 27th: Les Rebelles Vegetales (Potluck)
Social Gathering
27 June 2024
18:30 to 21:00
Hurksestraat 20 (unit 50), 5652 AK Eindhoven, Nederland
Dutch & English spoken
Price: Voluntary payment
Registration is required
New rebels are welcome
Share your favorite dish!
Hello dear rebels!
The cooking circle would like to invite you for a potluck at the rebelbase, Thursday the 27th of June. During a potluck everybody is intended to bring some food to share with everybody. So, share your favorite dish! There's limited space to (re)heat the foodstuffs, so, please, keep that in mind.
Please, feel free to bring your friends and acquaintances! If everybody brings enough food for one person, there should be enough for everybody to try some of the different foodstuffs!
We'd like to ask you to reserve a ticket, so we get a notion of how many people we can count on.
We hope to see you there!!!
With love and appetite for change,
the cooking circle.

The cooking circle would like to invite you for a potluck at the rebelbase, Thursday the 27th of June. During a potluck everybody is intended to bring some food to share with everybody. So, share your favorite dish! There's limited space to (re)heat the foodstuffs, so, please, keep that in mind.
Please, feel free to bring your friends and acquaintances! If everybody brings enough food for one person, there should be enough for everybody to try some of the different foodstuffs!
We'd like to ask you to reserve a ticket, so we get a notion of how many people we can count on.
We hope to see you there!!!
With love and appetite for change,
the cooking circle.

Rebelbase Eindhoven, Hurksestraat 20 (unit 50), 5652 AK Eindhoven, Nederland