Let yourselves be known! Mobilisation day XR Eindhoven
Social Gathering
Price: Free
New rebels are welcome
We would like to get to know you, and we would like ourselves to be known!
In these times of climate, ecological and social crisis, collaboration is vital. We would like to get to know you, and we would like ourselves to be known! XR Eindhoven introduces themselves and you are happily invited to introduce yourselves. Everyone is welcome to visit XR Eindhoven and meet with other activists, organizations and their work, follow crash courses of the trainings and workshop XR has to offer, print and decorate clothes and flags, watch the inspiring movie The Seeds of Vandana Shive about the work and activism of this ecofeminist, and first and foremost joint us for a fun day with drinks and bites and good conversation. And bring your friends!
10.00-10.30 Walk-in, reception, coffee/tea/lemonade, music
10.30-12.30 Sneak previews XR trainings - Action training, Sociocracy, Demand 0 - Climate justice
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Soap box - Pitch your activism!
15.00-15.30 Regenerative workshop
15.45-16.45 Film The Seeds of Vandana Shiva (2021)
16.45-... Drinks
WHO? All ages
WHERE? XR Eindhoven Rebelbase, Hurksestraat 20 unit 50, Eindhoven
QUESTIONS? T +31 40 2405224 / E XREindhoven@protonmail.com
If the gate is closed call +31 402405224.
10.00-10.30 Walk-in, reception, coffee/tea/lemonade, music
10.30-12.30 Sneak previews XR trainings - Action training, Sociocracy, Demand 0 - Climate justice
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Soap box - Pitch your activism!
15.00-15.30 Regenerative workshop
15.45-16.45 Film The Seeds of Vandana Shiva (2021)
16.45-... Drinks
WHO? All ages
WHERE? XR Eindhoven Rebelbase, Hurksestraat 20 unit 50, Eindhoven
QUESTIONS? T +31 40 2405224 / E XREindhoven@protonmail.com
If the gate is closed call +31 402405224.
Rebelbase Eindhoven, Hurksestraat 20-50, Eindhoven, Nederland