XR Amsterdam Community Day

Social Gathering Training or Lecture

9 June 2024

10:00 to 18:00

Recht Boomssloot 52, Amsterdam, Nederland

Dutch & English spoken

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome

Trainings and talks for new and experienced rebels - food, watch a movie together - make your own action gear - we're going to practice the Discobedience (https://youtu.be/WGMKumKBZJI)!

Join fellow rebels in a day of comradery, growth and community!

All levels of rebels are welcome. There are workshops & trainings for all levels: for the very new rebels & some that even require experience. Ideal if it’s your first time!


More details on the programme can be found here: https://cloud.extinctionrebellion.nl/index.php/s/8sxoSBsMWo2rQaQ

Want to help organising? Please join this signal group (https://signal.group/#CjQKIDMDFhqousycAFvTVXOiMyuSqcUk5C1cCpNpwG_0MpZZEhCnqT-cq2e7jvcqT8Y1v9UQ)!