June 23rd: XR Movie night - CANCELLED

Social Gathering

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome

Due to the Tata Steel action, the movie night has been cancelled. The next movie night will be on July 21.


Hi, on Friday june 23rd we will have another XR Film Night, this time we’ve chosen the documentary The Corporation, directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott.  Read the summary below:

"Documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance”

The Corporation will play at the Rebelbase in Eindhoven on june 23rd. Would you like to come? Get your free ticket at the Eventbrite link below, then we will know how much popcorn to make 🍿

Trailer: https://youtu.be/exY4u0XsEGI

Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/655774427967

Location: Rebelbase Eindhoven
Hurksestraat 20 (unit 50)
5652 AK Eindhoven, Nederland
Walk in: from 19:00
Start movie: 19:30

If the gate is closed, call: +31 402405224.


Rebelbase Eindhoven, Hurksestraat 20 (unit 50), Eindhoven, Nederland