XR Eindhoven

About us
Extinction Rebellion Eindhoven consists of a large group of active rebels from Eindhoven and the surrounding area. We are with students, workers, parents, retirees and others. Together we think of new actions that we implement locally. In addition, there are always people who participate in the national actions. We work together with XR Roermond, XR Tilburg, XR Breda, XR Den Bosch, XR Maastricht, XR Agriculture and University Rebellion. We are committed to achieving the three demands of XR this way. Every two weeks we get together for a general meeting, a lot happens outside of that too. For example, there is an occasional movie night, a lecture or workshop and a regular vegan dinner. This is how we keep in touch, stay connected and get new energy. Apart from the actions, this usually takes place at our rebel base in Eindhoven.
Interview with a new rebel
Name and age: Jos van Vliet from Waalre, 53 years old, living with Yvonne van de Ven, 3 children (Floor, 22, Stijn, 21 and Femke, 18).
Motivation for Extinction Rebellion (XR): Very simple: persuaded by Yvonne.
I noticed more and more often that I only wanted to read the headline of messages about climate, that it was too painful to know everything in detail. That's why Froukje's song Groter Dan Ik touched me. Froukje was 20, the same age as our Floor, who had exactly those questions. So am I doing enough myself? Yvonne made the first move, her anger was greater than mine. Going to the XR movie night with Yvonne. The serious discussion versus humor and self-criticism made me feel at home.
Walking up the A12 on the first day was like goosebumps. Considered in advance; I want high risk. But at the supreme moment it is still exciting. Stand at the front with Franc. Everyone sat and sang "fight for climate justice". But it was softer, more carried than the other songs and slogans. That really hit home for me at that moment. Sit down together and let everything wash over me.
At that moment something changed. I want to be part of this. I haven't been able to get the song out of my head for over 2 weeks, I carry it with me at all times of the day, every word is so spot on. And every time I hear it it makes me emotional again. So for me that moment, there on the A12, is the moment I was done.
The feeling of wanting to be there has not gone away since then. Then an 8-track, the next day again with Victor, very special. Been 3 more times. Heard a nice comment "yes, you sometimes see those new rebels radicalizing under your nose" and that's how it is!
Historical Rebellion or Protest Movement: Although I don't strongly identify with anything, I still remember the night the Berlin Wall fell. A roommate suggested I go there, but I didn't go and I still regret it.
Song That Describes My Feelings About the Climate Crisis: Music is important to me, and the song Ballad by New Model Army (1986!) has long described my feelings about climate change. Although I used to listen to it often, later I couldn't bear it anymore because I realized that I was part of the generation of "We're the ones who knew everything and still we did nothingâ. XR brings love and anger together , just like New Model Army. I Love the World is love and Angry Planet is anger. There is no song that more succinctly summarizes where we are going: War and Rain and Revolution Coming! Listen to it loudly! Or 17 -12 to the Milky Way.
Superpower to Save the World: If I could have a superpower to save the world, I would like to give everyone common sense to take the right actions. But of course, if I really had a superpower, I would solve all the problems at once.
Below you can see some of other rebels from Eindhoven. It should be clear: we welcome everyone!

You are very welcome to join our group. The best way to reach us is by mail. Keeping up to date with what is happening within XR Eindhoven is also possible via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Within our group we communicate with WhatsApp, signal and mattermost. Want to know what we discuss? Send us an email, so we can add you!
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Would you like to receive regular updates on what is happening in Eindhoven and in Brabant in general? Sign up through the form on the website, indicate in which municipality you live and receive the newsletter. If you leave your phone number you can also be contacted by someone from our group to have a look at our group without any obligation.
Donut Action Eindhoven - 3 April 2021
With the occupation of a round about we reached media all through the country.

Toxic System Rave
On Friday the 27th of November we protested against Black Friday. On this day we, as consumers, are persuaded to buy things we don't need for impossibly low prices. This celebration of consumerism only benefits companies and CEOs. Not the consumer. Not the modern slaves. And not the planet. The toxic system of continuous and massive production of consumer goods and clothing creates extra CO2 emissions, excessive water usage in cotton cultivation and the exploitation of factory workers in the Global South. Throughout Eindhoven, in shops and on the street, we danced the Toxic System Rave to ask attention for this toxic system of inequality. The profit over planet mindset, allowing Black Friday to blossom, threatens all of us and all life on the only planet we have. We took action against this system of overproduction, exploitation and pollution and for a system of reducing, reusing, refusing, rewearing, repairing, and rebelling.
This action was organized in collaboration with XRNL Fashion Action.

Estafette van het Zuiden
On Saturday the 21st of November we kicked off the Estafette van het Zuiden in Eindhoven. As XR Brabant and Limburg we were supposed to do actions in five cities to ask attention for the climate and ecological crisis. We rebel against extinction until the government complies with our demands and therefore we blocked the Boschdijktunnel. Next to this swarming action, a momentary blockade of traffic to allow road users to reflect on the climate and ecological crisis, both literally and figuratively, we handed out flyers to passers-by and The Red Rebels did a performance.
This action was reported on by the AD, NU.nl, Eindhovens Dagblad, BN De Stem and Studio 040.

The Climate Pays
On the 30th of September 2020 we took action against extremely cheap airline tickets, excessively contributing to the climate and ecological crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Airlines still donât pay tax on kerosine and there is no VAT on airline tickets, in contrast to tickets for bus and train. Up to now, aviation has been kept outside all climate treaties, despite its considerable share of CO2. The government keeps sparing the biggest polluters and therefore we rolled out a banner and handed out flyers to passenger and staff just before boarding.

Chalking Action
In April 2020 we did a chalk painting action on multiple days in multiple cities to ask attention for the climate an ecological crisis. With environmentally friendly chalk spray in bright colours we brightened our surroundings with slogans such as âLook upâ and âFor once, look, smell and listenâ.

This makes our pants fall down
On Friday the 15th of March 2020 the official appointment of the new representatives of Brabant from CDA, Forum voor Decomcratie, VVD and Lokaal Brabant took place. Concerned citizens of Extinction Rebellion Brabant took action against the new administrative agreement, which lacks attention for nature and environment. The square in front of the provincial house was covered in pants symbolizing the people from Brabant who are concerned about the new policy. âThis makes our pants fall downâ was our message.
This action was reported, amongst others, by NOS, de Volkskrant, Omroep Brabant, the Bossche Omroep, DTV Nieuws and the Noordhollands Dagblad. The action also appeared in the documentary Oproerkraaiers.

Climate Alarm
On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, the Lower House elections are held. Therefore, we organized the Climate Alarm in Eindhoven on Sunday, March 14, 2021. We made ourselves heard for fair climate policy.
The Climate Alarm is an initiative of the Climate Crisis Coalition. This is a collaboration of: Milieudefensie, FNV, Greenpeace, DeGoedeZaak, Extinction Rebellion, Code Rood, Fridays For Future, Fossielvrij NL, Oxfam Novib, De Woonbond and Grootouders voor het Klimaat. Throughout the Netherlands we made noise for the climate to let politicians know that the climate crisis should be our top priority!

Events in Eindhoven
Regularly there are meetings, lectures or actions organized by XR Eindhoven. Also, sometimes events are organized with the other groups of Brabant.
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