XR Twente

About us

Welcome new rebels!

XR Twente (before XR Enschede) is a growing active group in the area of Twente, in the east of, consisting of a diverse mix of people who are extremely worried about the climate crisis and nature. We are fighting in Twente for sustainable development, biodiversity and a clear circular future.

There are many ways to contribute: from art to communication, from planning actions to regeneration. Everyone can brainstorm and help organising, from small initiatives to big actions. If you are interested or have ideas, please send us an e-mail! Our integrators are ready to help you find your way in the group.


Channels and links

Join one of our broadcast channels for updates about important events or make a donation to XR Twente

Rutbeek for everybody

Outdoor Resort Boekelo and the municipality of Enschede plan to build 250 bungalows in the south-east of het Rutbeek, everything in the way will be taken down to the ground. The area is marked in the picture below.

Map of het Rutbeek with markings where the bungalows should be build Regio Enschede-Haaksbergen met lokatie Rutbeek aangegeven met pijl

For everyone or for the lucky few
The area destined to be transformed, is still a place with a lot of trees and green, where you can freely swimm, stroll, bike, run, etc. This is also a place where events are organized on a regular basis, for example the Rutbeek Triathlon, where many sporters are looking forward to. But not for long, if these plans continue! These plans will make this beautiful area, the domain of an elitist group of people that can afford it financially. And taking into account the enormous shortage of affordable housing, it is a cruel trick to build luxurious villas and bungalowparcs en masse.

No support
A lot of people around Enschede object to these plans because because they enjoy the Rutbeek very much, but the municipality wants to push this through a.s.a.p. An earlier announced referendum was blocked by the council, excluding the citizens of Enschede. This is why pressure by the people is very important.

Quality of the water
The large amount of canes at the sides, make the water clean enough for swimming, but they shall dissapear making swimming a health hazard.

Trees, plants and animals
Thousands of trees and the habitats of many (animal) species may dissapear. The condition of Dutch nature is already extremely poor and destroying these habitats only adds to it.

Luckily, a group of concerned citizens and organizations have forced a partial success. The Council of the State has temporarily destroyed the municipality's plans, meaning that preparations like felling trees are prohibited for the time being. But a definitive verdict will follow, so caution is still necessary.

Are you fed up with politicians only taking the interests of the rich and powerfull? While they have been chosen to defend the interests of us all? Then resist! Because governments and managements will never defend our interest without (peacefull) civil resistance. You can visit protests, organize actions yourself or contact your representatives. If we organize any actions, we will ofcourse share that in our (social) media channels, see below.

Who are we
Within XR Twente, we are concerned with taking action for a Rutbeek for everyone. Do you want to be kept up-to-date with coming action for 't Rutbeek (or XR Twente), then subscribe to our telegram channel, or keep an eye out in any of our other channels.

Keep informed
Website: https://development.extinctionrebellion.nl/en/groep/enschede/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xrtwente/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XRTwente/
Telegram: https://t.me/XREnschede
Mastodon: https://social.rebellion.global/@xrtwente

Email: twente@extinctionrebellion.nl
Donate: https://doneren.extinctionrebellion.nl/steun-xr-twente?locale=en

Extinction Rebellion Twente

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