
Mattermost is the communication platform for our decentralized movement. It will help you with:
🕸 Connecting with any circle across XR NL
👁 Joining open channels with transparent communication
💬 Learning from past conversations and shared resources
🔒 Keeping your identity safe
💚 Maintaining an overview of the activities that matter to you

What brings you here?

Mattermost is maintained by XR Global and is used globally by Extinction Rebellion. It is a relatively secure communication platform that can be used to connect with rebels in any circle or group within XR. Unlike other tools like Signal, Facebook or Discord,  Mattermost enables identity safety and decentralized operations on a local and global scale.

Ask your integrator for the link to register yourself on Mattermost.

When you log in with the mobile app, the app asks for a “server name“, fill in “”. As “display name” you can fill in the same.

If you already have an account, you can log in here via

If you already have an account of which you know the corresponding email address, but forgot the password of, you can request a new one via: Forgot my password

It is possible to request a workshop for your Circle or (Local) Group. During the workshop rebels will learn how they can use Mattermost effectively. Are you interested in this workwhop? Request it via the Mattermost channel.

Do you prefer to go through the workshop material on your own? Sure thing!

💁 Mattermost Workshop DIY

Do you need help, but are you not (yet) on Mattermost? You can reach us via email.
Please consider it may take a week before you hear back.
