Introduction to XR training (ENG)
Introductie tot XR
Training of lezing
7 april 2024
14:00 tot 16:30
Engels gesproken
Prijs: Gratis
Nieuwe rebellen zijn welkom
Are you also concerned about the climate and ecological crisis? Are you tired of helplessly watching as politicians and companies lead us towards the abyss? At Extinction Rebellion, you can take real action together with like-minded individuals! We leave behind traditional climate marches and petitions and build a powerful mass movement that can turn the tide. 🌍💪
During this engaging online training, you will gain insight into what we stand for, how our movement is structured, and most importantly, why! Discover the ways in which you can personally make a valuable contribution. Do you want to learn how to have an impact with Extinction Rebellion? Then sign up for the Introduction to XR training!
Sign up quickly via: https://pretix.eu/AlgemeneIntegratieXRNL/DNAtraining/ 📅
Once you are registered, you will receive the link to the online meeting by email. 📧
Hope to see you at the training! 🌿✨
Workshop Content
During this engaging online training, you will gain insight into what we stand for, how our movement is structured, and most importantly, why! Discover the ways in which you can personally make a valuable contribution. Do you want to learn how to have an impact with Extinction Rebellion? Then sign up for the Introduction to XR training!
Sign up quickly via: https://pretix.eu/AlgemeneIntegratieXRNL/DNAtraining/ 📅
Once you are registered, you will receive the link to the online meeting by email. 📧
Hope to see you at the training! 🌿✨