
Action Training Training or Lecture

27 January 2024

10:00 to 13:00

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome
Please register for this training.

To join an action by Extinction Rebellion, it is necessary to prepare by joining an action training. If you are unsure at the moment if and how you want to participate in action (with high or low risk of arrest), this training is the place to be to find out.

During this training you will learn:
🌻how to prepare for an Extinction Rebellion action;
🌻what non-violence means to Extinction Rebellion and what non-violent tactics are;
🌻how a simple blockade works and what joining a blockade involves;
🌻how to ensure your mental well-being during an action;
🌻what an affinity group is and how these groups function during actions;
🌻how an arrest works and how to deal with police presence;
🌻what legal consequences an action can have.

After the training, you will be prepared to join a non-violent action by Extinction Rebellion.

To attend, please sign up by sending an email to (include the date of the training you want to attend)