Hey Province, close Tata's cokes plants!
12 October 2024
13:00 to 23:59
Provinciehuis Paviljoen Welgelegen, Dreef, Haarlem, Nederland
Dutch spoken
Price: Free
New rebels are welcome
If the Province of North-Holland does not revoke the permits for Tata Steel's Cokes Plants 1 and 2 before Saturday October 12, Extinction Rebellion together with Kappen met kolen will stage another mass action at Provinciehuis Noord-Holland in Haarlem.
In fact, these cokes plants - in which coal is processed into cokes - are badly outdated and are long overdue for closure. They leak on all sides and emit toxic clouds on an almost daily basis. People living in the area are living demonstrably shorter lives and are in poorer health as a result.
Everyone who also finds it unacceptable that Tata Steel can emit toxic clouds unhindered and who also finds it scandalous that our government does not stand up for the health of its citizens and the protection of nature and the environment is invited to join us. The end game for Tata has begun, as we will continue until the cokes plants are shut down. Tata Steel says they also want to cut down on coal, but in their plans, the cokes plants will remain open for years to come. But we can't wait any longer, as people are literally dying from the toxic emissions of these factories. A cokes plant in a densely populated area like the IJmond in these times is no longer feasible.
Everyone who also finds it unacceptable that Tata Steel can emit toxic clouds unhindered and who also finds it scandalous that our government does not stand up for the health of its citizens and the protection of nature and the environment is invited to join us. The end game for Tata has begun, as we will continue until the cokes plants are shut down. Tata Steel says they also want to cut down on coal, but in their plans, the cokes plants will remain open for years to come. But we can't wait any longer, as people are literally dying from the toxic emissions of these factories. A cokes plant in a densely populated area like the IJmond in these times is no longer feasible.