Intro Talk + Action Training (+ Vegan Lunch)

Action Training Training or Lecture

6 September 2023

19:00 to 22:00

Rooseboomstraat 10, Den Haag

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome

Are you planning to join the A12 action starting from September 9th or are you still uncertain? Then, attend the action training!

19:00 – 22:00 Action Training ❤️‍🔥
🟢 How to prepare yourself for an action
🟢 What to expect in an XR action
🟢 How to apply non-violence and de-escalation techniques
🟢 Legal consequences of civil disobedience

Sign up here for one or more parts of the program:


Groep 4/5, Rooseboomstraat 10, Den Haag
