New Rebel Talk (KlimaVera 2024)

Introduction to XR Training or Lecture

13 April 2024

15:00 to 16:00

Klaprooslaan 13B, Groningen

Dutch & English spoken

Price: Free

Especially suited for new rebels

This New Rebel Talk is part of climate festival KlimaVera, organised by XR Groningen in cooperation with popcentre VERA.

Are you tired of watching helplessly while politicians and companies do too little against the climate crisis? In this short training, a climate activist explains what Extinction Rebellion stands for, how the movement works and, above all, why. What are the goals of Extinction Rebellion? How do they want to achieve that? Why are they confident this will work? Discover how you personally could make a valuable contribution and ask all your questions.

Click here to sign up!

This New Rebel Talk is part of climate festival KlimaVera, organised by XR Groningen in cooperation with popcentre VERA. The evening programme of KlimaVera 2024 can be found here.



Klaproos, Klaprooslaan 13B, Groningen