Eating Together Den Bosch
Social Gathering
Price: Free
New rebels are welcome
XR Den Bosch Diner☀️
Between 6 and 9 p.m. we eat together with the rebels from Den Bosch and the surrounding area. Soup is provided and everyone who comes brings something small to go with it. Come in at a time that suits you (later than 6 p.m. is certainly possible!) and bring something tasty, a topic of conversation or a board game.
This evening is certainly also the time for new rebels to ask all your questions, get help installing apps that we use at XR, discover how you could help and see new faces.
Wanna join for dinner? Send a message to xrdenbosch@protonmail.com
Website: https://development.extinctionrebellion.nl/groep/den-bosch/
Between 6 and 9 p.m. we eat together with the rebels from Den Bosch and the surrounding area. Soup is provided and everyone who comes brings something small to go with it. Come in at a time that suits you (later than 6 p.m. is certainly possible!) and bring something tasty, a topic of conversation or a board game.
This evening is certainly also the time for new rebels to ask all your questions, get help installing apps that we use at XR, discover how you could help and see new faces.
Wanna join for dinner? Send a message to xrdenbosch@protonmail.com
Website: https://development.extinctionrebellion.nl/groep/den-bosch/