Action training in English
Introductie tot XR
Training of lezing
Prijs: Gratis
Speciaal voor nieuwe rebellen
An action training will prepare you for peaceful civil disobedience actions with Extinction Rebellion (XR)
It is also an introduction in what XR stands for and how it is organised.

On Monday May 6th, 18.00-21.00 we will give an action training in Maastricht, this training will be conducted in English.
An action training will prepare you for peaceful civil disobedience actions with Extinction Rebellion.
If you want to participate in actions where there is a risk of arrest, it is advisable to attend this action training. Moreover, it gives you the opportunity to find out if you want to participate in future actions.
During this training you will also gain insight into what we stand for, how our movement is structured, and above all, why!
Discover how you can personally make a valuable contribution.
You can register via the QR above or via this link: https://cryptpad.organise.earth/form/#/2/form/view/uLZFpf16vcBlZogasawE8vF1j0bLHAaawTw-eivTfpE/
The address will be sent to you by email a few days before the start of the training.