Luchtalarm = Klimaatalarm
Prijs: Gratis
Nieuwe rebellen zijn welkom
With this monthly die-in we show the municipality of Nijmegen and the people who live there that we live in a state of crisis. We must act now!
Climate Alarm
Like every first Monday of the month, the air-raid alarm will go off at noon. We will seize this moment to emphasize that a climate and ecological crisis is not a test, but actually an emergency! Through a so-called 'die-in', we will bring the emergency we find ourselves in to life. Will you join us?
11.30 Check-in: We will gather at monument Valkhofpark (railway monument) for welcome and check-in.
12.00 Action Climate Alarm: We will lie down (die-in) or remain standing on the pavement near the town hall at 12.00. We will hand out flyers to passers-by and employees of the municipality and interact with them. During the action, we will sing and there will be speeches. Please bring protest signs, flags, banners, horns and drums.
12.45 Debrief: We will end at the Valkhofpark monument (railway monument) with a short debrief.
13.00-14.00 Meet Extinction Rebellion Nijmegen: After each climate alert, there will be space to meet Extinction Rebellion between 13-14h. When the weather is nice we will be in the Valkhofpark, when the weather is cold or wet we will look for a café nearby.
Citizens from Nijmegen and surroundings sound the alarm
The climate and biodiversity crisis threaten life on earth. We must change course! Will we continue to choose ruined harvests, deadly heatwaves and water shortages? Or do we choose fertile soil and clean water? The choices we make have global consequences. People with the least impact on climate disruption are hit hardest.
It must and it can be done differently! But a fair climate policy does not arise by itself. Time and again, the government chooses polluting companies over green alternatives. That is why we take action throughout the Netherlands every month during the air-raid siren. This is how we make our voice heard. We demand that our local government/municipality of Nijmegen is honest about the climate emergency; does what is necessary and involves its citizens in a fair way.
Our focus and demand in 2024: Municipality of Nijmegen! Stop new fossil!
- We want our city to be free of fossil advertizing and that advertizing that uses greenwashing disappears.
- We want the municipality of Nijmegen to call on its bank ING to stop fossil investments or switch to a sustainable bank.
- We speak out against the construction of a new fossil power plant.
Join this short, powerful action. Everyone is welcome. The action is not disruptive and permitted by the municipality ('low risk')
We would like to make our meetings accessible for all. You may email questions and requests about accessibility to xrnijmegen+demand0@protonmail.com in advance.
Click here to find out more about Extinction Rebellion Nijmegen.
Valkhofpark, Spoorwegmonument, Nijmegen