Climate alarm preparation
Social Gathering
Training or Lecture
Price: Free
Less suitable for new rebels.
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Do you want to learn to organise actions? The monthly climate alarm action is so easy to organise that even entirely new rebels can do it! Because of that, you can just show up and join the preparations.
Important: at the same time there is also a meeting happening from another movement, so enter the building in calmly, because we don't want to disrupt each other. After the intrance you can immediately turn left, then go up the stairs. There, you will find the door to the office we're using to your right.
The monthly climate alarm action is a low risk action. That means that we will not block anything, we stay on the sidewalk and entirely follow the law. That is because we specifically do not want to get arrested.
The action is in the same place every month: the city hall, at the Stopera. It is also always at the same time: at 12:00 the air raid alarm goes off, so that's when we lay down on the ground. We gather a bit earlier (11:45-11:50), to chat a bit and share the plan.
So during the preparations we don't need to discuss the location, that doesn't change. Unless at some point we will have such a big group that we need to split up into two or more locations.
We do talk about the theme, the programme and the routine tasks that have to be done every month. These are quite easy tasks, so you can also take them on you. Or you can say that you want to help so that you can learn how it works.
It is important that you understand the principles and values. We always try to respect these during actions and meetings of Extinction Rebellion. If you don't, people may say something about it. You can also say something if someone else doesn't respect them. Of course, we do this in a friendly way.
Sometimes people get confused about the many doors. So we'll explain it here. When you see three double doors next to each other with glass above them, you're in the right place. Of the middle pair of double doors, you can push in the left one. It wil just open. On the image there is a green border around it.
Make sure you enter calmly because there is also another meeting and we don't want to disturb them. After entering the door you can immediately turn left, then go up the stairs. Upstairs you will find the office to your right.

Important: at the same time there is also a meeting happening from another movement, so enter the building in calmly, because we don't want to disrupt each other. After the intrance you can immediately turn left, then go up the stairs. There, you will find the door to the office we're using to your right.

What do you need to know?
The monthly climate alarm action is a low risk action. That means that we will not block anything, we stay on the sidewalk and entirely follow the law. That is because we specifically do not want to get arrested.
The action is in the same place every month: the city hall, at the Stopera. It is also always at the same time: at 12:00 the air raid alarm goes off, so that's when we lay down on the ground. We gather a bit earlier (11:45-11:50), to chat a bit and share the plan.
So during the preparations we don't need to discuss the location, that doesn't change. Unless at some point we will have such a big group that we need to split up into two or more locations.
We do talk about the theme, the programme and the routine tasks that have to be done every month. These are quite easy tasks, so you can also take them on you. Or you can say that you want to help so that you can learn how it works.
It is important that you understand the principles and values. We always try to respect these during actions and meetings of Extinction Rebellion. If you don't, people may say something about it. You can also say something if someone else doesn't respect them. Of course, we do this in a friendly way.

How do you get inside?
Sometimes people get confused about the many doors. So we'll explain it here. When you see three double doors next to each other with glass above them, you're in the right place. Of the middle pair of double doors, you can push in the left one. It wil just open. On the image there is a green border around it.
Make sure you enter calmly because there is also another meeting and we don't want to disturb them. After entering the door you can immediately turn left, then go up the stairs. Upstairs you will find the office to your right.